Proliance Surgical Specialists of Edmonds

7320 216th Street SW Suite 20

Facility Type: Care Center
City: Edmonds

Quick Links



We are located at 7320 216th Street SW, Suite 20, Edmonds, WA 98026-7610.

Proliance Surgeons Surgical Specialists of Edmonds provides comprehensive surgical care to our community. We focus on state-of-the-art technologies and compassionate service close to home.

Our goal is to exceed our patients’ expectations and help steer them through the complexities of the health care system. Proliance Surgical Specialists of Edmonds is a part of Proliance Surgeons, which is one of the largest surgical practices in the country and dedicated to exceptional outcomes, personally delivered.

Hours of Operation:

M-F 8a-5p

Proliance Surgical Specialists of Edmonds

7320 216th Street SW Suite 20
Edmonds, WA 98026-7610

(425) 775-9526




Specializing in:

  • Breast Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • GERD Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Hernia Surgery

Patient Resources

New Patients

As a new patient, we want you to be as prepared for your first appointment as possible. We have listed some general information for you to know for that appointment.

If you have questions at any time, please contact our office at (425) 778-8116.

When to arrive:
Appointment confirmation, appointment details, and patient paperwork will be texted and emailed 48 hours prior to your appointment.

If the patient paperwork is filled out prior to the appointment, please check in 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.

If help is needed to fill out your patient paperwork, please arrive 20-25 minutes early.

What to bring:

  • Your insurance card
  • A photo ID, if available
  • Your referral notice or letter, if applicable
  • A check, credit card for co-payments, deductible, and co-insurance amounts due before you visit
  • Any lab test, medical records, X-rays, or the like that is pertinent to your current medical care that will help our medical provider.

Insurance & Payment Info

We will make every attempt to make sure your insurance requirements are met prior to services being rendered. Ultimately, it is the patients’ responsibility to verify that referrals and authorizations have been taken care of. Consequently, it is in your best interest to apprise us of all insurance changes promptly.

Co-pays and deductibles are required to be paid at the time of service and we will work with you for payment of coinsurance dollar amounts for surgeries and procedures before service. We accept debit and Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover credit cards, cash, and check. We can offer special payment arrangements for private pay patients.

Contact Patient Accounts Department
If you are interested in what payment arrangements are available or have other questions for our Patient Accounts Department, don’t hesitate to reach out and call us at: 425-778-8116 option #4.

Existing Patients

As an established patient, we ask that you arrive in our office 10-15 minutes early for each appointment. We will need you to verify your address and insurance information and from time to time complete any necessary paperwork.

If you have insurance forms, such as disability, that require some portion of it be filled out by your physician and/or his signature, please bring them with you to your next appointment.

You will need to check in with the Front Desk at each visit so that we may verify that you have not had any changes since your last visit. i.e., address, phone, insurance changes etc.

Courtesy Notice
The Physicians and Staff will do all that we can to stay on schedule. Unfortunately, with our specialties, we have patients that come in for a regularly scheduled appointment, who have relapsed or have developed complications that require more of the physician’s time than we allowed for. We ask for your patience if this should happen, as we know you would want the physician to spend the necessary time with you if this unfortunate occurrence should happen to you.


Please request prescriptions and refills during your office visits, or call your pharmacist to determine if you have another refill remaining on your prescription. If you do not have another refill remaining on your prescription, and you need more medication, please call our office and leave your prescription request with our nursing staff. After the physician has had the opportunity to review your medical record, we will call your pharmacy with the prescription – usually within 24 hours of your request. If your refill request is denied, we will call you with specific instructions.

To help us maintain continuity of your care, be sure to bring a list of your medications to each appointment. Additionally, be certain to inform us of any medications that you are taking that were ordered by another physician.

Please be sure to call us during office hours for prescription refills – at least one day before you run out of medication. Also, please remember that good medical care often requires the benefit of a patient examination prior to ordering or refilling medication.

Our Hours are 8am – 5pm, Monday through Friday.

Additional Resources

Below you will find a list of industry links that we at Proliance Surgical Specialists of Edmonds think are helpful for our website visitors. You will find the link to the website and a brief description of the company or organization.

  • American Cancer Society: The American Cancer Society’s (ACS) website is an indispensable tool for cancer patients.
  • American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons: The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) is the premier society for colon and rectal surgeons.
  • A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer Research Foundation: The Breast Cancer Research Foundation funds clinical and genetic research into the causes and treatment of breast cancer.
  • Cancer Network: Choose the site of cancer in which you are interested, and you’ll find dozens of articles sorted by category.
  • Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation: The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to finding the cure for Crohn’s disease.
  • National Cancer Institute: The National Cancer Institute (NCI), established under the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, is the Federal Government’s principal agency for cancer research and training.
  • Susan G. Komen for the Cure: Since 1982, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has played a role in the fight against breast cancer.

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